

Letters of Support

This page will carry letters of support from the families of residents past and present.

Full address and phone numbers have been taken out but the letters are available to view on request.They will be taken to the cabinet meeting on the 20th December.

Mrs C.Jones

Low Grange, Billingham.

I would have liked to be at the meeting in the Pavillion and saw the letter in the paper and decided to write.

My husband was in Parkview for respite in 2005 from September until October. I have tried to get him back in for respite twice this year and been turned down. Now I know why.

I hope you can win and keep it open. I can’t thank the staff enough for the way they took care of him and others in their care.


Mrs C. Jones. 

From Alison Rogers

Thorntree Road .Thornaby

To whom it may concern

We tried to get my mother into Parkview home. We took my mother in law to Parkview to have a look around and she was really impressed and decided that was the home she wanted to go into. But, after we had our visit, we were told by an acting officer in charge that she could not come into the home as there was a bed block. She could only come into the home for respite. We considered Rosedale but were told there was also a bed block on that home as well. With my mother in law needing a permanent placement, this was most annoying and distressing for the family and my mother in law as putting her into respite for a few weeks and then having to move her again was not our intention or very good for her. She was born in Thornaby and all her family live in Thornaby with myself living on the same road as the home which was very handy for us to visit. She has now gone into a private home against her wishes and we all as a family have to live with the guilt of her rights and choices being taken away. The council keep stating about rights and choices. There is only council and private which in our eyes is second best. We as a family would like to know where our [...choices...] are? I know they will say my mother in law didn’t fit the criteria to be allowed into Parkview but I know that there is and has been all sorts of criteria, from nursing – residential- EMI- and mental health residents in Parkview. So what do they mean by this assessing residents to be allowed into ... the home? We still wish to get my mother in law into Parkview Home permanently.


R Rogers


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